Kipko Inhaltsverzeichnis

Das Team im KIPKO

Hier sind alle Mitarbeitenden des KIPKO Projekts

Prof. Dr. Eva Marinus

  • Eva Marinus

The project is led by Prof. Dr. Eva Marinus, a behavioural-cognitive scientist with a PhD in Educational Sciences, who has 15 years of experience running experimental (training) studies in practical settings (e.g., schools) and who has extensive experience with the assessment and analysis of learning outcomes. In 2017-2018, Eva successfully led a project on cognitive skills and programming in preschoolers and kindergarten children. This research resulted in a publication at ICER (Marinus et al., 2018). Eva has supervised three PhD students to completion and is currently supervising a PhD student (Irene Graafsma, Macquarie University/ Groningen University) who researches which cognitive skills predict how easily CS1 students learn to program and the KIPKO PhD Student Marco Hartmann, who investigates Programming misconceptions in children.

Prof. Dr. Beat Döbeli Honegger

  • Beat Döbeli Honegger

Prof. Dr. Beat Döbeli Honegger BDH is the leader of the Institute for Media and School at PHSZ. He has 20 years of experience in research and teaching in all aspects of digitalization in schools and has published a seminal handbook on this topic (Döbeli Honegger, 2016). He has an extensive network in Switzerland, including primary schools who are willing to participate in the proposed studies.

Dr. Michael Hielscher

  • Michael Hielscher

Dr. Michael Hielscher is an education software developer (e.g., Hielscher, Tschudi, Prasse & Döbeli Honegger, 2017) and has authored a textbook for computer science education (Wagenknecht & Hielscher, 2014). He has more than 10 years of experience in the field of computer science education. MH will supervise the development of the online versions of the assessments of Working Packages 1 and 2.

Dr. Peter Edelsbrunner

  • Peter Edelsbrunner

Dr. Peter Edelsbrunner is a behavioural-cognitive scientist with more than 10 years of experience in educational and psychological assessment, psychometrics, and advanced statistical methods (e.g., Edelsbrunner et al., 2018; Edelsbrunner & Dablander, 2019; Hickendorff et al, 2018). His main role will be to advise on test construction and validation of the two assessments. PE has experience in the development, validation, and translation of assessment tools for concept knowledge and misconceptions in various science domains, with a focus on Physics and experimentation skills in primary school children (Edelsbrunner et al., 2018; Schalk et al., 2019; Soyyilmaz et al., 2017).

Dr. Parvaneh Babari

  • Parvaneh Babari

Dr. Parvaneh Babari studied mathematics in Iran and then did her PhD studies in the area of theoretical computer science at university of Leipzig in Germany. Since May 2018, she is a researcher in the Institute for research on teaching and learning at PHSZ. Besides, she is a PhD student in the area of didactics of mathematics at Department of Humanities, Social and Political Science at ETH Zurich. PB is a research assistant in this project and is responsible for the development and validation of an assessment tool (the CSMI) for children’s more general computer science misconceptions in everyday life (Ex. the nature of the Internet).

Marco Hartmann

  • Marco Hartmann

Marco Hartmann hat an der Universität Zürich Kognitve Psychologie und Neuropsychologie studiert und hat zuvor in der Schlaf- und Gedächtnisforschung, sowie in verschiedenen klinischen Projekten der Kinder- und Jungendpsychiatrie gearbeitet. Er ist als Doktorand im Projekt für die Entwicklung und Vaildierung des Programming Misconception Assessment Tool - kurz ProMAT - zuständig.

Julia Wippermann

  • Julia Wippermann

Das ist Julia Wippermann von der Uni Osnabrück. Sie war Praktikantin auf dem KIPKO Projekt von Juli bis September 2020. Sie hat Marco unterstützt mit der Konstruktion der ersten Version der Programmier Fehlvorstellungentest. Zusätzlich hat sie gelernt, wie man Macros auf dem Wiki erstellt, beigetragen am Digital Skills Summerschool Workshops und eine Präsentation über kreative Algorithmen gegeben.

Felienne Hermans

  • Default

Our project team will be completed by our international collaborator Prof. Dr. Felienne Hermans, who leads the Programming Education Research (PERL) lab at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands. FH and her team were the first to conduct a large scale study of programming misconceptions in primary and secondary school children (Swidan, Hermans & Smit, 2018).
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